


在茂宜岛的季节性活动以及酒店和度假村的现场表演中,都可以一睹呼啦舞的风采。卢奥烤猪大餐是观看呼啦舞以及了解夏威夷和波利尼西亚文化的另一个有趣的节日活动。遍布茂宜岛,有很多相当不错的卢奥烤猪大餐场地,如老拉海纳卢奥烤猪大餐,茂宜岛凯悦度假村的 Drums of the Pacific 以及卡阿纳帕利海滩酒店的呼啦舞表演 (Kaanapali Beach Hotel Hula Show) 等,举不胜举。

这里的呼啦舞由呼啦舞老师 (kumu hula) 在呼啦舞学校 (halau hula) 传授,但游客可以在茂宜岛上的一些酒店和度假村内参加免费的学习课程。

Kau‘i Kanakaʻole


KEEPERS OF THE FOREST - Waves crash against the distant black rocky cliff, salting the air. Kau‘i Kanakaʻole, the kumu hula (hula teacher) and her three students chant an oli, asking permission to enter the forest, and wait for a response. A breeze filters through the canopy, and the thick air parts, giving them their answer. They pick their way through the underbrush, beyond the grove of hala (pandanus) trees, to find the lauaʻe (monarch fern) leaves that generations of hula dancers have relied on to create their lei.

Where Can I See Hula on Maui?

You can see hula across Maui at events, festivals and live performances at hotels and resorts. While serious study of hula is undertaken in a hālau hula under the tutelage of a kumu hula, more casual lessons are often offered at select hotels and resorts.

A lūʻau is another fun and festive place to watch hula and learn about Hawaiian culture. There are several venues around the island where you’ll find lūʻau (most often in West Maui or South Maui), including the long-running Myths of Maui Lūʻau at the Royal Lāhainā Resort and Drums of the Pacific at the Hyatt Regency. The Old Lāhainā Lūʻau offers a popular sunset feast on spectacular oceanfront grounds right off Front Street. Some lūʻau, like Feast of Lele, even present gourmet takes on traditional dishes, complete with wine pairings.


Learn More about Hula



