在怀厄奈山脉和柯劳山脉之间肥沃的中部山谷内,您可以一窥欧胡岛的历史。岛屿的农业在 19 世纪末达到鼎盛,吸引世界各地的移民到种植园工作。从檀香山出发,在前往北海岸的途中,您将经过瓦希阿瓦 (Wahiawa) 的雷乐华高原 (Leilehua Plateau),看到绵延不绝的菠萝树。在都乐菠萝种植园 (Dole Plantation) 逗留一阵子,近距离了解欧胡岛的菠萝传统,品尝都乐美味可口的冰冻甜点给自己解解暑。孩子们都喜欢在占地 12,000 多平方米的巨大灌木迷宫中奔跑。在夏威夷种植园农庄内,探索经过修复的家庭式甘蔗种植园及其仿制建筑,它们都是一座座活的历史博物馆,让您可以领略到 100 多年前的生活面貌和工作环境。
您还可以参观欧胡岛中部著名的阿罗哈体育场 (Aloha Stadium),它是夏威夷大学战士队的主场,全年有众多其他体育赛事也在此举办。
Visiting Pearl Harbor

Landmarks & Attractions

Hawai‘i’s Plantation Village
O‘ahu’s vibrant multicultural population are descendants of the plantation workers who came here from around the globe starting in the mid-19th century. Hawai‘i’s Plantation Village shares the stories of these immigrants from China, Japan, the Philippines, Korea, Okinawa, Portugal, and Puerto Rico along with those of the local workers while honoring their lives, their resourcefulness, and their contributions to Hawai‘i.

Wahiawā Botanical Garden
Once an experimental arboretum for sugar planters in the 1930s, this 27-acre garden and serene rainforest is home to tropical plants that thrive in more moderate temperatures. Enjoy a self-guided tour, stroll through a bamboo thicket, and relax on the shaded benches.
Dole Plantation
Explore the Pineapple Garden Maze — the world’s largest plant maze — with nearly 2.5 miles of paths and 14,000 colorful plants. Take a ride on the Pineapple Express train, a 20-minute narrated tour through some of O‘ahu’s beautiful landscapes. And enjoy the Plantation Garden Tour featuring eight mini-gardens with a wide variety of fruits, flowers, and native plants. Finish up with a refreshing Dole Whip.