每年的 11 月到次年 2 月是观赏巨浪冲浪的最佳时机。这些巨浪可能高达 9 米或以上,甚至对经验丰富的冲浪者来说也十分危险,因此要注意警告标志。每年 5 月至 9 月,海浪减弱,这里的冲浪和游泳氛围变得更加平静。
北海岸距离威基基仅有约一个小时的车程,这里有各种住宿供您选择,包括出租公寓和海边豪华的海龟湾度假村等。再走一段路到达迷人的冲浪小镇 — 哈雷瓦镇,您可以在此购物,享受当地人喜爱的美食,以及品尝彩虹口味的刨冰解解暑。然后继续开车前往拉耶 (Laie),参观波利尼西亚文化中心 (Polynesian Cultural Center) 和古老的种植园小镇—卡胡库。
Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC)
Explore the rich heritage and cultural traditions of six Pacific Island nations — Hawai‘i, Fiji, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Samoa, Tahiti, and Tonga — through hands-on activities, arts, crafts, music, food, and live entertainment. As the sun sets, enjoy the authentic Hawaiian Ali‘i Lū‘au and Hā: The Breath of Life, a showcase of Polynesian music and dance with over 100 performers. Here you’ll also find the Polynesian Football Hall of Fame. PCC offers a round trip Shuttle Service from Waikīkī and the O‘ahu Circle Island Tour which features an island tour and round trip Waikīkī transportation for additional fees.
James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge
Located in Kahuku, the Refuge is one of the few scattered remnants of the natural wetlands on O‘ahu established to provide a habitat for endangered Hawaiian waterbirds, migratory shorebirds, waterfowl, seabirds, endangered and native plant species, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal, and threatened honu (Hawaiian green sea turtle). Tours available only when endangered Hawaiians waterbirds are not breeding, October-February.
"威美亚海湾的历史悠久。它是巨浪冲浪的诞生地之一;在上世纪 50 年代,冒险爱好者开始尝试驾驭巨浪。筒状巨浪就是其中一处举世闻名的冲浪点。对于看客来说,这里或许是最佳观赏地点之一。此处海浪较为危险,仅适合高手挑战。其实,日落海滩是我个人的最爱。因为我在那里学会了巨浪冲浪。 "